Bye Week: the Greek Isles

This week we got some much needed rest as a lot of guys were pretty banged up after the game in Bolzano. I don't know how these guys do it at 35 and 40. Whenever I feel sore after a game I can't even imagine what they're feeling. True they're not getting half the reps we are but still, some of these guys have been playing for 20 years... pretty impressive. Anyway after weighing a few different options for our week off we decided to make a trip to Greece. We found some cheap tickets to Athens, where we stayed for a night and checked out all the monuments including the Acropolis and the original Olympic stadium. Athens, like most capital cities, isn't the cleanest place but there's a ton of cool stuff to see and do. We however were looking for a little more in terms of relaxation so we hopped on a ferry to the island of Santorini. The boat wasn't exactly a Royal Caribbean cruise ship but after 3 bottles of wine we managed to crash out in our little cabin. 13 hours later we arrived at the island and were more than excited to get back on solid ground. Santorini was amazing and for 10 euro a night we got a great hotel 30 yards from the beach. The island was formed by a still-active volcano and all the beaches are either black or red sand. We rented four-wheelers which you could drive on all the main roads and toured around the entire island. The weather was perfect and the scenery was amazing. Every time you came around a corner you had to stop and take a picture. I guess it wasn't quite the high season yet so the place wasn't too crowded but there was still a decent nightlife. After 3 days of cruising the island and hanging on the beach we were ready to head back to "work"... tough life huh. 

1 comment:

Kris said...

Must be nice!!!! What kind of wine are you taking a liking to?

Good luck in your next game...Keep up the good hard fight! love mom